Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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Now let's summarize. In order to Order Viagra Tablets Online make a diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C, we need the following: increased ALT in blood chemistry, a positive test for Tadalafil Sildenafil Vardenafil HCV RNA (reflects the phase of virus reproduction) and morphological signs of disease activity (study under the microscope of liver tissue obtained at biopsy). When the doctor has all of Buy Generic Cialis Online this information, he can decide on appropriate treatment. Determination of the genotype (variety) of the virus and viral load (amount of virus) - it is additional information required by a doctor for treatment planning and its effectiveness. If the patient has normal Order Brand Levitra Discount levels of ALT and no signs of disease activity in the study of liver biopsy, but is determined by the RNA with PCR, then diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C without evidence of disease activity. Such a patient does not need antiviral treatment. It should be observed by a doctor, and his biochemical parameters of blood (in particular, the level of ALT) examined every six months.