Karate ... One name for this sport and method of protection is still able to cause fear and trembling in the majority of our fellow citizens. As a long time banned, it seemed like something deadly, and this, as any "forbidden fruit" - an unusually attractive.
Today we tell about the sport, philosophical teachings, lifestyle and all that unites one short word - Karate.
Many years ago on a small island of Okinawa, the southernmost of the Japanese islands, there was the art of self-defense, which was called "Te" which means "hand". The true origins of karate are not sufficiently known, but as Japan, especially Okinawa, were closer to
China and constantly with him traded, most likely, the inhabitants of this part of the land of the rising sun of the island came under the influence of Chinese martial arts.
After the XIV-century power Dynasty With Shin islanders were forbidden to have weapons. To protect their villages and families, peasants began to explore ways to fight that do not require their use. So it came karate, which, translated from Japanese, means "Chinese hand". Gradually in this direction formed art one, but the fatal blow, which could compete with the weapon.
Since the training conducted in secret, karate was not available even to families of teachers and students. It is for this reason, the true essence of this martial art has long been a mystery. The first of the new masters of the struggle, Gichin Funakoshi, was able to form and submit karate as we know it today. When Funakoshi came to Tokyo and demonstrated karate people, they were struck by his technique and strength. Gradually this martial art has spread throughout Japan. In 1935, Funakoshi, consulting with a Zen master, made a somewhat different interpretation of karate, replacing the character "China Hand" on the other - "Empty Hand".
After a long lull, caused by the Second World War, in 1949 founded the Japanese Association of Karate and the competition held in 1956 that made her famous. Curiously, none of the other originated simultaneously with karate kinds of struggle has not acquired the East popularity.
What is the riddle of continuing interest in karate?
Perhaps, above all - that is not just a struggle, but the school and the ideology of universal human values, which come to the fore the education, health and strength of spirit, and only then - everything else.
Stride pupillary level in karate can a person not only physically well-prepared (trained), but having developed intellect, but also has certain character traits. An effective and fairly quick process can be only if capable of dealing not only to memorize, but also to the analysis and self-correction.
Karate, unlike other sports, do not complete due to "unsuitability of the age" - a huge benefit and enjoyment of lessons can be obtained at any age. This exercise does not interfere with, and contribute to mental activity.
All well-known masters have lived a long life: by their personal beliefs, because of employment because they did not cease to practice karate. But former athletes - and all athletes will inevitably become the former - as a rule, can not boast of good health.
Today, karate - a recognized and popular sport: so much so that in the coming years its plan to include in the Olympic competition. Around the world, this martial art engaged in more than 14 million people. You can start learning karate at any age - the main thing that training took place under the supervision of an experienced instructor (preferably not below the belt holder brown). First training held on the third force, then - by half. Being engaged in regularly, you can become a real master, capable of accurate strikes to kill a fly, without touching the glass.
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Karate Classes are useful both for children and adults. At the first regular exercises develop the flexibility and mobility of joints, can correct the shortcomings of coordination, as well as defects in the development of musculoskeletal system. And besides, not least, stimulate intellectual development. Through studies in children and adolescents improves attention and memory, develops logical and imaginative thinking, and self-restraint, self-control and sense of purpose, increased self-confidence.
But even if the childhood - far behind, do not fret: many people start training in adulthood, noted that thanks to lessons they have improved health, flexibility and mobility. They became closer and more concentrated, that the beneficial impact on the quality of work and relationships in the team. Thanks to the harmony of mind and body engaged in the ancient martial arts have become more confident and therefore more successful in business.
People involved in karate for a long time, distinguished by honesty and friendliness, sociability and kindness, as well as the absence in their lives any stress. The purpose of this type of oriental martial arts - the achievement of the lofty state of mind in combination with physical and intellectual development.
The ultimate aim of karate training is to improve the self-organization, psihoregulyatsii, self-control, cultivation of peace and high moral qualities of personality, and, importantly, - the subordination of body consciousness and will.
Classes in this sport turn a new page in the life of every being on the way to mastering the martial arts.
Lifestyles karate lies in aligning and harmonizing all aspects of life, the discipline of body and spirit, maintaining mental and physical and spiritual balance, aspirations to the heights of philosophy and practice of martial arts of the East.
When studying karate given up, his body becomes like a weapon. He can defend themselves of any situation, and in all cases, it uses the limbs. Major equipment karate is divided into 4 groups: blocking, punching, kicking and assault. But in the battle need not only technology - requires more strength, speed, coordination, rhythm, proper breathing and strength of spirit. When are the major competitions without a weapon, then the winner is revealed, depending on whose technique and strength of spirit higher. In this sense, karate classes are really a means of educating the character and personal potential.
Just as in other martial arts, but needed a healthy mind and strict principles of conduct and respect. The ultimate goal of training in karate - not to defeat the enemy in the whole competition, and improve their character through mental and physical load in strict discipline.
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