Friday, September 18, 2009

Artificial feeding

Pediatricians recommend that the first six months after birth, breast feed, but it is not always possible. Alternative is to bottle-feeding - feeding baby formula from a bottle. If you feed a child this way, you have to take some important decisions.

What mixture to use?

The child can not properly digest cow's milk, so it does not replace a mother's milk. Breastfeed your baby special feeds. But first, consult a physician because There are different kinds of mixtures.

* Mixtures based on milk - the most common. For artificial feeding their choice in 80% of cases. These mixtures are made from cow's milk, processed in such a way that it becomes a safe and useful for the child. Typically, a mixture enriched with vitamins and microelements, in particular, they added iron.
* Mixtures of soy-based - Some of the children is allergic to milk, or their stomach can not digest lactose, which is contained in milk formula. In such cases, pediatricians recommend a mixture of soy-based.
* Special mix - If the child is born prematurely, with congenital metabolic disorders or diseases, then he may need a special mix designed specifically for these cases.

The mixtures are produced in several forms. Some more convenient, but other less expensive.

* Ready-to-eat mixes - the most expensive, but at the same time the most convenient and easy to use. Sold in sterile 4 or 8-ounce disposable bottles (120 and 240 ml). It remains to wear a sterile bottle and you can feed the baby.
* Ready-to-transfusion - This liquid mixtures, which are sold in metal cans of various sizes. Enough to pour them into a sterile bottle and put a sterile nipple.
* In the form of concentrate or powder - This is the cheapest of the mixture. May be both liquid and powder form. Sold in packages or banks, calculated on one feeding. We must take a sterile bottle, dilute the concentrate or powder with boiled water, then put on a sterile nipple. If you are using a mixture of this type, carefully measure out the amount of concentrate and water, so your child gets the right amount of nutrients.

Remains of ready mix can be stored in the refrigerator no longer than 24 hours.

How best to heat the mixture?

Most infants safely drink the mixture at room temperature. If your child prefers a warm mixture, heat it under running hot water. To check the temperature, can be sprinkled a few drops on your wrist. Do not use a microwave oven, because liquid in it is heated unevenly (bottle may seem warm, but the liquid inside obzhzhet baby's mouth and throat).

Which bottles and nipples to use?

There are three types of bottles: glass, plastic and plastic with removable disposable bags. Glass bottles are very durable, but they are heavier than plastic and easy to beat. Plastic bottles strong enough and weigh less. Bottles with removable Disposable bags are very convenient, because Packages do not need to sterilize. But these sets are quite expensive.

As for the nipple, they are made of latex or silicone. Nipple should be changed every 3 months. The older the child, the greater must be the hole in the nipple.

How to sterilize nipples and bottles?

Bottles and teats should be clean, so they should be sterilized. If your house is chlorinated water, just put baby accessories in the dishwasher or wash with washing-up liquid, then rinse under running hot water from the tap.

If chlorinated water is not, then boil bottles and nipples in a large saucepan for 5-10 minutes.

How to feed a baby?

Feeding time - usually a pleasant time for the one who feeds the baby, and for the child. Here are some tips that will help you to organize this process:

* Do not forget to wash your hands.
* Choose a quiet place, and that the child is not distracted.
* If the child is not very hungry before feeding diapering. Baby will be comfortable in a clean and dry diapers.
* Take a comfortable position, put a pillow under his back.
* If the child is naughty, before giving a bottle, try to calm him down. If the baby cries during feeding or not to worry, after the meal he could ill stomach.
* Gently embracing the child, feeding - the perfect time to touch express his love.
* When your child drink about half of the mixture, take a break. Let the child srygnet air that could accumulate in his tummy. Take breaks for regurgitation after every 50-60 ml of drinking a mixture.
Rx Idaho

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